Beginnings - 30 Thriving Challenge

For the past five days it has been SO painful to walk, to sit, to even have Elle hold onto my leg. Going into this fitness challenge I wasn't surprised I was out of shape, but I definitely had forgotten what it felt like to workout and be sore the next day. Mountainside Fitness trainers took me through an assessment that not only consisted of questions about my current diet and lifestyle, but strength and endurance tests as well. I haven't been graded on something in a very long time. Hearing the words, "poor and needs improvement" took me back to math class. haha. We did squats, lunges, planks, assisted pull-ups, leg presses and walking fast on an incline for 30 minutes.

I have my work cut out for me, but I'm excited to ace my test in three months time. I already feel different about myself just by following through with my commitment to my health. Cheers to new a lifestyle! #30ThrivingChallenge

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