Howard & Heather Styled

Howard and Heather are a couple that I got to style for their engagement photos with Melissa Jill. They remind me of me and Ryan in that Howard is willing to wear clothes that Heather picks out, but HATES shopping. Heather is a complete fashionista. She even went to fashion school, so you know the girl definitely cares about her clothes. That's me and my husband in a nutshell too.

It was a blast working with them! They chose to have their photos taken in Flagstaff, and took advantage of the beautiful trees as well as the old brick buildings in downtown Flag. I made sure they had the outfits for both.

For the more urban setting we chose to dress them up, and selected a bright fun silk dress for Heather. It is completely indicative of her bubbly personality, and it stood out against the simple backdrops of the town. With a lavender shirt, a sport coat and some great jeans, Howard complemented Heather perfectly.

For the outdoors outfits, we stuck to something that was cozy and fashionable at the same time. What is more "in" than a chambray shirt, some leggings and a pair of great boots, no? AND we got Howard to sport a shawl cardi! Isn't he so cute in it?!

It was a blast working with them. To see more photos, visit Melissa's blog.