Summer Blues


This post is sponsored by Lindt Chocolate.

Chocolate and fashion - two of my favorite things. I've teamed up with Lindt Chocolate to share with you style inspired by the delicious and beautiful coconut LINDOR truffle. Other than black and white, blue is the color that is most universally flattering for all skin tones, and the aqua packaging of the coconut truffle is a perfect pairing with summer fashion. Blue tones of an ocean, pool and sky are all part of the summer experience, and now eating truffles by my pool is too. I may only get a couple hours of peace and quite throughout the day, but those hours are definitely filled with tasty treats and relaxation when I can manage it.


I chose a trapeze maxi dress from Alixandra Collections to wear for my Lindt fashion challenge because it's a dress that I would wear pregnant or not-pregnant. It has a luxurious and easy quality to it along with a flattering solid strip down the center. The color palette of the dress is mostly navy and white, but the flecks of lighter blues and even pastel pink create more interest. The fact that this dress has a strong pattern helps disguise any extra curves you might want to hide (although I can't really hide my bump anymore).

To see more Lindt inspired summer fashion, check out this post here and here. If you have a sweet tooth, check out Lindt's Unwrapped Blog.

Photography by Gina Meola.