This Time in My Life


A mint vintage VW bus. Hair blowing in the wind. A road map laying on the seat. The open road. If the sum of those things or even just one makes you want to go on an adventure you should watch this brand film for Jessica Daniels Photography made by Ale Vidal.

This may in fact be the art direction and styling project I am most proud of to date. I want to be this girl. I want to live her life and have her spontaneity. When I feel like that about a project I know that it's special. More about the process and outfits later. For now, grab your coffee and enjoy.

This Time in My Life from Ale Vidal - Imaginale on Vimeo.

This time in my life is an adventure - to do things I've never done and go places I've never been. To have adventures that open my heart and my mind. // This was the premise and script I worked on with Jess Daniels ( for her brand film. Our goal was to create a character that represents her style of work and the type of girl that is photographed by her.

Film by Ale Vidal //

Styling & Art Direction by Alexandra Evjen //

Hair by Jenny Strebe // Make up by Stephanie Neiheisel // Model // Agency AZ (Lia Briehl) // Clothing supplied by Fances Vintage // Calligraphy, hand drawn details by Alyssa Hodson