
AVE Styles got a makeover! You like? This must be what Reese Witherspoon felt like when she got bangs because daaaang this feels good! I feel like I look like a hot, grown woman thanks to Alyssa Yuhas and the GO LIVE crew.

So why the change?! Well, first and foremost I wanted YOU, yes you, feel like you were coming to my house for a cup of coffee and we could bond over the beauty in life. My old site was very much focused on my portfolio and less of a space to connect with you. It was more high fashion and I wanted this to feel like Madewell - modern and yet comfortable - because that is truly my style.

I want to spend my days sharing what I am finding beautiful in life and helping you share it too. I will still be sharing Pinterest marketing tips for business owners and how to style content because I LOVE helping others share beauty too. I'm just not going to be styling as much for others anymore. 

It's funny how God sometimes takes away passions and puts new ones on your heart. I always dreamed of being a stylist, I became one and now I'm sort of letting that go. There's some sadness attached to the release, but there's excitement in me too because now that I'm focused on AVE Styles more of a blog, I know good conversations with YOU and new opportunities are in store.

I can't wait to share more of my life with you, and I hope you with me. Look around the site. You'l find a collaborations section sharing some fun sponsored posts, as well as my very own SHOP! If you want to stay in touch and get regular updates me, please make sure to add your email to the list!

I'm a Pinterest Ambassador


I'm so excited to share that I'm an official Pinterest Ambassador selected by Pinterest to help educate people in the United States how to use Pinterest effectively. Pinterestambassadors2015-16 (1)

I never saw myself as a teacher. In fact, I always thought that would be the worst job for someone like me that often gets frustrated in classroom settings, but I've realized that teaching people doesn't have to look so traditional. It can be sharing Pinterest tips on Instagram, speaking at blogger conferences and hosting cocktail pin parties like I did last night (check out Instagram to see pics of the Nordstrom Pin Party).

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To be one of 15 people asked to be a part of this program is such an honor. If you told me that this would be part of my life I would have thought you were crazy. It's amazing to me what social media can do to shape the world and communities. I hope I can bring people together to develop relationships and help them discover their dreams online by being an ambassador.

To learn more about what an Ambassador is you can check out Pinterest's blog. You can always see who else was selected.

Stay tuned for more Pinterest Ambassador events in Arizona! I'll be posting them here on my blog.

Pinterest 101 Class with Bloguettes


We all know that Pinterest is a mega force in the social media world. In fact, it's the 3rd largest social platform and it's only 4 years old (Facebook is 10 and Twitter is 8). Pinterest is also responsible for 43% of e-commerce referral traffic. That's a BIG slice of the pie for being only four years old! If you are a small business owner or blogger looking to have a strong social presence you definitely need to be on Pinterest, but what to do with your account is another question. How do you grow a following? How do you get people to repin your images? How do you get traffic back to your site? Those are the questions everyone is asking, and those are the questions I'm going to answer at my Pinterest 101 class with the Bloguettes.

Be there! Register here!

Date: Wednesday, November 12th Time: 6pm to 8pm Place: Wela Creative Studio (7147 E. Rancho Vista Drive, Ste. B37 in Optima Camelview) Cost: $35

I hope you can make it! It's going to be a lot of fun!