Handmade Goodies

I'm so blessed to be connected with so many creative people in this world! I know several people that have side businesses creating handmade items that are SO adorable I wanted to share them with you.Katelyn Block - Domestic Charm She bakes some of the most beautiful and creative cakes out of her home. If you're having a birthday party, bridal or baby shower or wedding, definitely give her a ring! Plus, she has a great blog that you should subscribe to get yummy recipes!

Tarrah Ritchie - Laila's Lovelies She makes fun, eclectic bags that can brighten up any outfit. She just had a beautiful baby boy named Patrick, so she has taken a break for a bit from sewing, but she's back in the swing of things. She has even started a blog sharing her designs loves. Tarrah's also a very accomplished artist, so I'm really excited to see what else comes out of Laila's Lovelies.

Emily Hall - Emilee Rose Designs I went to high school and was in youth group with Emily. She is an amazing artist that has pursued her talents and recently started her own stationary business. She also has a blog that shares her new products and life updates. Make sure to check her out next time you're in the market for stationary or invites!

Danielle Axtell - Baby Mae Couture My dear friend Danielle has started her own baby line that just got picked up by some local boutiques. If you want to buy a unique gift for an infant or toddler, check Baby Mae out! I just had a dress and bib made for my niece's first birthday. Picture will be coming, but until then check out her stuff! She also has a great blog that shares her life and fun finds.

Amber Crudele -Crochet Addict I've never gotten to meet Amber, but she is a dear friend of my sister-in-law, Nicky, and she crochets some of the cutest things. From teddy bears to coffee cozies, check Amber's Etsy page for unique, handmade gifts.

Alexis Lundberg - That's Sew Lexi Lexi is very talented with a sewing machine and started a business sewing aprons that are the perfect a wedding shower gift. Not only do you get to pick your own colors, but she personalizes each one with a message or verse of your choice to be kept in the pocket of the apron. I had one of these made for a best friend of mine, and it felt so good to give her something more personal than a picture frame.

Mix & Matching Patterns

img-thingFor most of my life I've been the person that always buys solid color shirts, jackets, pants, etc. Maybe it was my simple and practical side dominating my creativity or because I thought solids had more versatility, but thankfully the fashion world has really embraced colorful prints and patterns in a new way over the past two years and now you see people mixing it up all of the time! Kate Spade, Tory Burch and Diane Von Furstenberg are some of the designers that have lead the charge with vibrant colors and geometrical shapes. Well, I've finally embraced it myself and created a collage of fun finds to prove it.

Creative Space

diy_wall_display_ideaThe interior design of the spaces in which you live and work play a huge part in your mood, productivity and creativity. I'm thankful for a great, contemporary space that I get to work in on a daily basis. It is a mix between historic and contemporary architecture with a lot of natural light coming through. However, there isn't much color here and it feels sterile at times. So, I got to thinking, what elements would I love to have in a design studio that would inspire creativity within fashion design? Here are some things that I love. I would say vibrant colors, contemporary pieces, lots of light and a touch of seanyooopus1glamor would be the 05.08.jollyelements to my modiss-lamp-elisabeth-glase-1creative studio.d89d1_LBL4837_l1073

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Contemporary Nursery

quotation-bookshelves2These days I seem to be surrounded by pregnant women. It's crazy! There has to be something in the water. Now, Ryan and I are no where near being ready to be parents, but I came across these cool pieces of contemporary decor and thought they would be super cool for a kid's room or nursery. I love contemporary design and bold colors. I'm not much of a traditionalist when it comes to the look of children's rooms.  Basically, pastel pinks, blues are not even a discussion point for me. So, these items would fit really well in a bright colored room...


Haircolor - Help Me Pick

current-haircolor1I've been dying my hair since the day my friend Jenny and I decided it would be awesome to color our hair with permanent Nice 'n Easy hair dye in 4th grade. (Bad idea. Got hives all over my body). I decided I wanted to go blond, and came out with some goldish color. My mom wasn't too happy with me, and made me learn my lesson by growing out my hair color...ugh! These days I change my hair color every six months to a year. For the past year, I've kept my hair all one color because it's cheaper. Tomorrow I go in for a color appointment and I'm itching for a change. So, I thought I should ask you guys. Below are some pics of me with different hair colors. Let me know which one you like best. (The pics aren't great, but they'll have to do).





