M.A.C. Paint Pot

A while ago I did a beauty product review of the M.A.C. Shadestick, and I have been an evangelist for that product since I tried it. Well, I decided to forgo the Shadestick this time and give the Paint Pot a whirl.

It's the same product as the stick but you use either your finger or a brush to apply it. Well, ladies, the pot has won me over. Why?....

After awhile the Shadestick would get hard and not apply the product smoothly on my eyelid. The pot, however, maintains a creamy texture.

What these products do: The paint pot and shadestick are best known for keeping your eye shadow from creasing and helping the color stay vibrant throughout the day.

Application: Gently swirl your finger inside the pot and apply the creamy shadow all over your lids with your finger. Brush your eyeshadow over the base like normal.

You will want to choose a nude or pale color for a base if you want your eye shadow's color to stay true. Obviously, you can have a lot of fun blending and creating new colors when combining deeper bases and lighter shadows. If you need to rush out the door but want long lasting shimmer on your eyes, just sweep this across your lids and jet.

Cost: $16.50

Lifespan: Should last you at least three months if you use the product once a day.

M.A.C. Shadestick

shimmersandThe M.A.C. shadestick is a product that I kick myself for not using sooner. I've always been a fan of M.A.C.'s eye products, but the shade stick is currently my number one must-have item in my makeup routine. I usually hesitate when trying any makeup in the form of a stick because they almost always don't go on smoothly or they need to be sharpened regularly. The shade stick has an incredibly creamy texture and goes on without hardly any pressure. The stick comes in several colors and you can wear the creamy color by itself, but the true power of the product is when it's used as a base.

My shadow stays on ALL day and does not crease. It's AWESOME! I bought a light beige color called "beige-ing," and it works great with all of my shadows. Plus, a little shimmer from the shadestick comes through.

These sticks last a very long time, so it's a great investment of $16.50.
